Gee Bill, how come your mom lets you have two health gimmicks, raspberry açaí and green tea? Yes, if you get the Celsius Raspberry Açaí + Green Tea you too can drink deep of these superfoods that are in about every health food these days. Well, it actually doesn't have açaí in it; just natural flavors that are intended to mimic it. The ingredients list supports that it does have some amount of green tea extract, however.

Did someone say green tea?

This drink is somewhat sour in a very contrived way. Not like citric acid sour but something else, something far less intense. Like in the way grapefruits are somewhat sour, it makes the insides of my mouth feel dry. It's really weird. The texture is novel and not something I've had from really any other off-the-shelf drink. It's not overpowering at all or hardly remarkable unless you're thinking about it critically but it's noticable. I really can't nail down what that is on the ingredients list.

The taste is very clean and not like an energy drink at all; only that weird sourness betrays the drink's artificial nature. It's not carbonated, which bolsters that image. Honestly, almost all the way through it is like drinking still water a dash of citric and ascorbic acids thrown in and finished with the vague flavor of fruit. The final note on my tongue is redolent of a strawberry though I could be convinced it was raspberry.

It has 1000% of the recommended daily intake of biotin (B7), a vitamin that plays an important role in the body to metabolize fats, carbohydrates, and amino acids. And you wouldn't want to be deficient in biotin. Didn't you know that a biotin deficiency can be fatal?

Volume 12floz
Caffeine 200mg
Calories 10cal
Calcium 50mg
Vitamin C 60mg
Riboflavin 1.7mg
Niacin 20mg
Vitamin B6 2mg
Vitamin B12 6mcg
Biotin 300mcg
Panthotenic Acid 10mg
Chromium 50mcg