Gorilla Mind is probably the funniest name you could attach to an energy drink. The packaging is heat wrapped very sloppily to the can. It has the Gorilla Mind Energy Matrix which has 6 different ingredients, the heavy lifter of which is 200mg of caffeine. The Energy Matrix includes NAC and l-theanine; the rest of the ingredients in this matrix I have never heard of.
It seems like Gorilla Mind is a workout supplement company first that makes energy drinks as a plus on top. They'll sell you a Sea Moss Elixir if you'd like.
I don't like how the Energy Matrix makes me feel. I'm not sure if it's just a symptom of being tired today or if it is something in the matrix interacting with me, but I was vagugely uncomfortable for about 30 minutes after downing half the can. It's not the same uncomfortable to me as beta-alanine, but it's definitely from the can.
On the nose this smells like Sprite, or more accruately Squirt. It's not offensive. The taste is tart. Exceptionally hard carbonation gives it a punch on the sour front note. This was given as a gift to me but knowing it now I would not buy it on my own.